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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

10 Sex Trivia Questions for Bar Trivia

1. In which Great Lakes’s state is it illegal for a man to shoot off a gun while his female partner has an orgasm?

2. Multiple Choice: According to a 2007 survey, approximately what percentage of US women claim to have never experienced an orgasm?   5%  10%   15%  20%

3. According to Playboy, what is 10 times more effective than Valium as a tranquilizer?

4. Which part of the female anatomy shares its name with the Greek God of Marriage Ceremonies?

5. Which well known entertainer reportedly has her breasts insured for $600,000?
Dolly Parton

6. Within 3-percentage points, what percent of American women prefer to match their bra and panties?
34% (31%-37%)

7. Within 2%...According to an ABC News Poll, what percentage of American adults have had a threesome? 
14% (12% - 16%)

8. What U.S. state has the lowest legal marriage age, allowing females to marry without parental consent at the age of 15?

9. Oneirogmophobia is a fear of:    Hugging    Nudity    Pornography     Wet Dreams
Wet Dreams

10. (Within 3%) According to the Kinsey Institute, what percentage of women in their 20s have engaged in anal sex within the past year?
22% (19% - 25%)

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