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Monday, September 3, 2012

10 Weird State Laws Trivia Questions

  1. In Maine, it is illegal to catch what animal with your hands?
  2. In Oklahoma, it is illegal to hunt what aquatic animal?
    A WHALE.
  3. In Colorado, you can no longer hunt ducks while riding in a what?
  4. In Las Vegas you can bet on just about everything. Yet it is illegal to bet on what popular teen-age party game?
  5. Minnesota’s sodomy law prohibits not only sex between humans. But between humans and what animal?
    A BIRD.
  6. If you are run over by a train in Kansas, what must the railroad company give your remains?
  7. Funeral directors in Nevada can be arrested for doing what in the presence of a cadaver? SWEARING/USING BAD LANGUAGE.
  8. In Arizona, it is illegal for first cousins to marry unless they are over what age?
  9. In what state is it legal to urinate, vomit and defecate on a Confederate flag, unless you do so for “crass” purposes?
  10. The fun is over. In California, it is illegal to do what to a horse for entertainment purposes?
    TRIP IT.

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