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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

10 EASY bar trivia questions about Fairy Tales

1. Name the fairy tale that contains the following quote “Fee! Fi! Fo! Fum! I smell the boood of an Englishman!” JACK & THE BEANSTALK.

2. In the tale of “Three Billy Goats Gruff”, what lives under the bridge the goats must cross? A TROLL.

3. Which of the Three Bear’s porridge did Goldilocks eat? BABY BEAR’S.

4. What were the shoes made of that Cinderella wore to the ball? GLASS.

5. The Ugly Duckling wasn’t a duck at all. What kind of bird did he grow up to be? A SWAN.

6. The Pi’ed Piper was hired by the village of Hamlin to get rid of what nusance? RATS.

7. He helped a miller’s daughter spin straw into gold, and asked for her first-born child in return, but would let her off the hook if she could guess his name within three days. RUMPELSTILTSKIN.

8. Wilhelm and Jacob are the first names of two brothers who wrote over 200 fairy tales. What was their last name? GRIMM.

9. True or False: Snow-White, from “Snow-White and the Seven Dwarves,” and Snow-White, from “Snow-White and Rose-Red,” are the same character. FALSE.

10. This ancient Greek wrote many tales about animals, in which there was always a Moral at the end of the story. AESOP.

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