A lot of people search for Free Trivia Questions on the internet, so I thought I would share of the ones I use for the events that I host. Here are ten questions that cover the topics of geography and history:
Question: Angela
Merkel was the first female chancellor of what country?
Answer: Germany
Question: In
what country was the Auschwitz concentration camp located?
Answer: Poland
Question: Which
canal took 10 years to build and opened in 1869?
Answer: Suez
Question: What emblematic Louisiana
dish is traditionally served on Mondays?
Answer: Red
Beans and Rice
Question: What
is the capital of Venezuela?
Answer: Caracus
Question: What
video game features the villains Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde
Answer: Pac
Question: Starting
in 1989, what system of racial segregation was gradually dismantled in South
Answer: Apartheid
Question: Duke
University is located in what city?
Answer: Durham,
North Carolina
Question: Which
American president was assassinated in Buffalo, New York in 1901?
Answer: William McKinley
Question: Which
state is called the Panhandle State?
Answer: West Virginia
Free trivia questions for bar and pub trivia hosts. Topics include sports trivia, entertainment trivia, history trivia and geography trivia.
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